1. Locations:
Nairobi, Astral Plaza Kyangombe road old Mombasa Road.
Isinya, Namanga road stage 22 opposite zenith.
Mombasa, Bombolulu cultural center.
2. Available branches
Nairobi, Mombasa and Isinya
3. Fees
As attached
4. Modes of study
Full time, part-time and online
5. Course duration
6 months per level and 2yrs for all levels combined
6. Attachment provision
Yes, we provide attachment.
7. Payment during attachment
8. Mode of fee payment
Pay bill and direct deposit to the bank and present the slip to the office
9. Availability of accommodation and meals
Yes, at our Isinya branch
10. Intakes
January, May and September each year
11. Exam body
12. Certificate for short courses
We give certificate of participation
13. Intakes for short courses
These are due on demand, no specific time
14. Fees so high
We are hands on with we'll equipped worship, providing quality training
15. Scholarship opportunities
Yes, we partner with Kcb, World vision and many more
16. Provision of PPEs
Yes, it's included in the fees
17. Are students buying their own tools for practicals.
Nope training materials are included in fees
18. Job opportunities after completion
We connect students with possible employers
19. Enrollment requirements
Copy of identification document (ID or birth certificate) and 2passport photos
20. Work opportunities abroad
Yes, if you meet employer requirements and traveling documents